NOVAAR Membership

Quick Links

NOVAAR Membership Application


Paying Dues

Turning in your Application and Dues

NOVAAR Mailing Address

NAR Membership

Joining NOVAAR

NOVAAR is dedicated to flying model rockets.

We regularly fly rockets ranging in power from 1/4A to J.

NOVAAR maintains a fully equipped rocket range; launch controller, connected wirelessly to numerous launch pads equipped with launch rods and rails.  There's a lot of gear needed to support our launches, all of which must fit in our trailer.  Club dues support maintaining this equipment and access to our flying field.

NOVAAR Membership Application

To join NOVAAR, complete our Membership Application.  To download a copy, use the link below:

link =>> NOVAAR Membership Application <<= link


   Age Group   NOVAAR Membership TypeAnnual Dues
   18 and younger   Junior Member$15
   19 and older   Senior Member$30
    Family   Family$50

Paying Dues:

NOVAAR's dues can be paid with cash, check or PayPal.


Cash can be accepted during a launch or at a meeting.  Please do not send cash through the mail.


Checks, made out to NOVAAR, will be accepted during a launch, at a meeting, or by mail (address is below).


If you are a member of PayPal, use the "send money" function and address your transaction to  Please include your name and the type of membership you are paying for in the note field on the payment form.

Please Note: You must be a member of PayPal before you can pay your dues this way.  Visit to learn about this service.

Turning in your Application and Dues

Your membership application and dues can be turned in at a launch, meeting, via email with payment by PayPal, or by mail.

at a Meeting:

Bring you membership application with payment to one of our meetings and stay and join-in on the conversation.

on the Launch Field:

Membership applications with payment can be dropped off at check in at any launch.

by Mail:

Send your completed Membership form, with checks made out to NOVAAR to:

Jonathan Rains, NOVAAR Treasurer, 2108 Spencer Rd., Silver Spring, MD 20910

Please do not send cash through the mail.

NAR Membership

While joining NOVAAR, consider becoming a member of the National Association of Rocketry (NAR), the nation's oldest and largest sport rocketry organization.

Here are just a few of the benefits of becoming a NAR member:

•  Six issues of Sport Rocketry magazine;
•  The NAR Member Guidebook—an exclusive online resource
•  $5 million rocket flight liability insurance;
•  Access to the, “Member Resources” website; and
•  Access to NAR technical reports, high-power certification, and clubs.

For information about NAR Membership visit the NAR’s website .